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We are a certified place to diagnose, test and treat allergies.

At Sura's ENT & Allergy Centre, we provide our patients with time, so we are able to take a detailed history and narrow down the possible allergens. Once we have a rough idea of the cause, we test to confirm our findings. Treatment is also provided. We are a ONE STOP SOLUTION for all things Allergy.


Allergic rhinitis is the commonest manifestation of allergic disorder. The prevalence rate around the world is 10-25%. It can impact the quality of life severely and if not detected early and treated, it may contribute to the allergic march. It may present in early childhood and can cause significant disturbance to the growth and well being of the child.

It may be triggered by Dust, smoke, perfumes.


It may progress to Chronic sinusitis and other issues like headache, mood irritation.

For treatment we need to first evaulate and take a detailed history. Narrowing down the potential causes are a must. Thereafter giving medication to stabilise the patient. Once done, we need to test for the causes by a SKIN PRICK TEST.


Infants can present with Atopic dermatitis on the extensor surfaces of the arms and legs, which is a very itchy rash, triggered by an allergen. As they grow older, lesions may appear over the flexural areas of the knee and elbows. 

It may lead to chronic dermatitis if it is left untreated.

Asthma, as we all know, is a significant disease burden. It is also an allergic condition and is worsened by pollution, smoke, perfumes which act as triggers.

Sometimes these conditions are so very easy to treat if we find out the allergen causing it. Avoidance may be the only answer sometimes. But if left untreated, it may lead to POLYSENSITISATION and development of other allergic conditions as well.


The GOLD STANDARD for anything means the absolute correct and best.

To diagnose an allergic condition, the gold standard test is called a SKIN PRICK TEST. Here, the possible causative allergens, in liquid form, are placed on the skin and a scratch is made so as to allow it to penetrate the skin. 

If you are allergic to it, there will be a wheal and flare response. The larger the response, the stronger the allergic reaction.

This is a test done in our clinic after a detailed evaluation and prior appointment as it takes ~1 hour to perform.

Results are visible to patient and confirmatory.


Once the allergen is identified, we can initiate immunotherapy for the same so as to convert a patient from being ALLERGIC to NON ALLERGIC. 

This is done by means of a "vaccine" which contains serial dilutions of the said allergen. This allergen in dilute form, is given in increasing doses over a period of 3-6 months. Once the maximum concentration has been achieved, then we can give that as maintenance for 3-5 years. 

Response is evaluated by doing Serum IgE levels or repeating SPT.

It is a safe, painless and inexpensive treatment that can alter the life of an Atopic individual.

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