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Allow yourself to be proud.

Today I feel proud. My name sits on a board facing the main road, on an important street in Central Mumbai. It gives this information to...

What is Mucormycosis? Why is it Black Fungus?

I would like to welcome readers to this with a warning that this will be informative as well as scary. A lot has been written about this...

When Are YOU Getting That Done?

Lets start this post by acknowledging something I always knew. I was not a great resident in my first year days. There are many...

It wasn't supposed to bleed!

What experiences have moulded the young resident to the confident consultant?

When 4 out of 5 is not Good Enough!

My father once explained to me the issues with taking up ENT/Ophthalmology as a field. He said "Son, there are two ears, two eyes, and if...

Blog: Blog2
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